Are we Motivated by Fear or Love?

This article was first published on LinkedIn It came to me recently that throughout the most of my life I have been doing things out of fear. Many decisions that I made were motivated solely by wanting to be able to survive and then once this was satisfied then I needed [...]

2017-08-12T21:06:06+01:00March 6th, 2017|

Men and their Feelings

This article was first published on LinkedIn I wanted to write about this subject because it is an important one. We men have being conditioned to believe that it is a sign of weakness to express our feelings. ‘Men don’t cry’ is the message that we are taught from a young [...]

2017-08-12T21:10:36+01:00February 20th, 2017|

One of my Own Stories of Emotional Release

It was about 1.30am and I was in the middle of a nightmare. Now I don’t often experience these but on this occasion for some unknown reason I was terrified of a story within my mind that had appeared during my sleep. In the past if this happened to me I [...]

2017-12-15T11:59:18+00:00February 17th, 2017|

How to Release your Feelings

What is the mechanism for emotional release? How can we actually do it? As children we do it quite naturally but as adults it may not appear to be that easy. However, this is only just an appearance and if we want to, letting go can be very easy. In the [...]

2017-12-15T12:00:09+00:00September 5th, 2016|

How do Negative Feelings Affect Us

Updated: 26th March 2019 Too many of us don’t understand the damage our feelings do to us. As children we are able to let go of each feeling as and when it arises. However, as we grow up we are taught by society that it is not appropriate to express these [...]

2019-03-28T13:07:01+00:00August 24th, 2016|
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