Updated: 19th April 2019
When I first started posting on LinkedIn about emotional release a friend of mind mentioned that he did not think such content was appropriate for business. He thought this was something that should be seen more on Facebook. However, I think our emotions and feelings must be addressed in all areas of life, especially the workplace. Emotional release and letting go when applied consistently is so powerful that it can change your business and personal life in the most dramatic way. The most important thing to understand when it comes to your life is this:
Things happen to help you not to hinder you
This may seem a bit woo woo but when you see how your life and your business begin to change as you release your hidden emotions then you begin to see the power of this. For instance, that difficult customer, that late delivery, that missed appointment all happen in your experience for one purpose, for you to let go of those suppressed emotions hidden within you. These may have been emotions that you have run away from for most of your life. You may have avoided them through your addictions to alcohol, television, over-eating or even working too much. If you do not face those feelings then life will rearrange your experience so that you are forced to face them one way or another. It will keep giving you subtle clues and if you keep dismissing them eventually it will drop a bomb. This could come in the form of a business collapse or your partner leaving what you thought was a happy marriage.
The point is that every moment of the day life is giving us an opportunity to safely release our emotions, to take responsibility for how we feel and not to blame others. Each interaction with a ‘difficult’ customer happens to tell us that there is something within us that needs to be addressed, a feeling that has been long since forgotten. Each interaction with a challenging employee helps us to discover what is it within us that needs healing. Why? because…
…people are a mirror of who we are
the circumstances that we are experience are also mirrored by what is inside of us. Without a proper understanding of the underlying mechanism of suppressed feelings and projection our ability to work efficiently will be severely affected. Furthermore, understanding is not enough, the work must be done to release that which we have suppressed. The feelings that we have stuffed down affect our ability to see the things around us with clarity. If you have a great deal of suppressed anger, then your anger will be easily triggered by the people and circumstances around you. It is not your colleague or your boss that is the direct cause of your anger but rather it is what you have held down supported by some erroneous belief. As you take responsibility for this and start to integrate or release it then those people begin to change.
The people around us change when we work on our emotions
So what are the benefits in releasing these stuffed down feelings?
More energy – It takes a tremendous amount of energy to hold these feelings down. When you release them, the energy you used to hold them down is given back to you. You can use that energy to become more creative or to move forward with a project. You can work longer hours and you won’t get tired by doing so.
A balanced perspective – Suppressed feelings cloud your judgement. Emotional people see through the lens of that emotion. Releasing our inner feelings allows us to see things as they are happening and not as we believe they are happening. There is a difference.
More positive beliefs – What was previously considered impossible or difficult now becomes possible. You are able to see a variety of paths towards the end goal. Previously those paths were blocked by the belief it was not possible. With the releasing of that emotion that blockage is removed and the way is now shown.
Work relationships improve – As previously said our employees are a mirror of who we are. Emotional release gives us the ability to improve those relationships just be working on ourselves. We don’t need to go on courses which tell us how to listen or how to communicate. We are already know all this. We just need to remove the blocks to true communication and listening. This then happens naturally and doesn’t need to be forced.
If employers really understood how emotional suppression hinders their businesses, then everything would change.
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