Are you struggling with anxiety?anger?stress?uncertainty?grief?confusion?guilt?

Embark on a Journey of Letting Go to Rediscover Your True Self and Create an Extraordinary Life
Profound transformation change for individuals and organisations

How to Letting Go - Daniel Dzikowski

“I am here to
to make a difference”

Welcome from Daniel
Emotional Empowerment and Well-being Coach



Clear the path is all about letting go. It is the natural mechanism we use as children when upset and things get too much. As adults, we are more attuned to suppressing our emotions instead of freeing them, but in doing so, we cause ourselves more harm than good. Letting go is a straightforward process. Its simplicity occurs because it works at the deepest level of our being. We are conditioned to hold on, so letting go often seems alien. Begin your journey by downloading the ‘How To: Letting Go’ guide or visiting this website’s Learn to Let Go section.

Letting Go: A Path to Personal Freedom

Letting go can be seen as a healing mechanism that enables us to become more whole. In other words, it is the integration of our true self that we, at some point, rejected. It is inherent within ourselves because releasing or integrating stuck emotions is what we do naturally. However, we are taught to suppress because of our conditioning, so we spend most of our lives doing this instead. These stuck emotions do not go anywhere but remain within our energetic bodies. Over time, they create dis-ease, tension, as well as mental and physical illnesses.

How to letting go

As we let go our personal life begins to change. I experienced some truly amazing changes on a personal level and this is exactly why I now spend my time coaching others, running workshops and speaking in public about how to let go. We all have the ability to let go and make dramatic changes in our lives. We are given opportunities to let go in each and every moment but only if we are aware of this. This power of how to let go is something that you have always had. By letting go of that which no longer serves you, you begin to discover a new sense of purpose and you begin to drop all the limitations that you previously lived your life by.

A Transformative Way of Life in Every Environment

Letting go can be applied in every environment. When people first think of letting go they sometimes think of it as therapy but this is a misnomer. Letting go is a way of life. It is something we can do every day all day. We spend at least a third of our lives working so it makes sense to dedicate some energy to letting go of our stumbling blocks in this area. Basically, any time we are emotionally triggered is an opportunity to let go.

Letting go can also be used to discover blocks in all areas of your life whether in work, relationships, or wealth generation. As the path is cleared of these obstacles then rapid transformation begins to happen. It is possible to work with letting go as you are going about your day, attending meetings, meeting customers or looking after the children. It is all part of the process and in many ways, this is the preferred approach. Integrating this process into your working life enables you to make profound changes within yourself.

My Services

A question you may be asking yourself is how do I begin? First, get a feel for how to let go by looking at the rest of this page and then going to this website’s Learn to Let Go section. If your preferred approach is to work with me, look at the coaching section of this website. Here I offer my expertise as a coach and guide on this beautiful journey. Finally, if you want a more workshop-based approach for your organization, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Create a new life full of joy and freedom

Transformational personal coaching

Take that step into a new you and into a new life.

Experience a life with more joy and happiness.

Supercharge your business growth

Incredible business coaching

Take an incredible step into a new business

See your business in a new light and with renewed enthusiasm.

Accelerate the growth of your team

one to few - workshops

Let's create an incredibly powerful team

Empower your people in a way like never before.

Inspire and motivate your audience

one to many - public speaking

Let me give them the gift of letting go

The gift of letting go is available to all of you now!


How to letting go

How to Let Go: Step 1 – Awareness

The first vital step in the journey of letting go is to foster awareness. This means becoming mindful of your emotional triggers and recognising when your state of being undergoes a shift. Embrace the understanding that the emotions you experience originate from within yourself, and you alone are responsible for creating them.

Sometimes, the mind may falsely attribute responsibility to external factors like challenging circumstances or difficult individuals. However, the truth is that you are the true architect of your emotions. Happiness doesn’t come from external sources; it emanates from within you. Embracing this profound realisation empowers you to take charge of your emotions and initiate fundamental changes in your life.

By acknowledging your role in creating emotions, you gain the power to release emotional burdens and foster a sense of personal responsibility. This awareness sets the stage for the transformative process of letting go, unlocking a path to greater self-empowerment and inner peace. Remember, the key to letting go lies within the realm of self-awareness, where you reclaim authority over your emotional landscape and pave the way for a more fulfilling and liberated existence.

How to Let Go: Step 2 – Acceptance

Acceptance of feelings and their corresponding bodily sensations happens during the next step. Acceptance is the process of unconditionally embracing all feelings and emotions. The point to remember is that if you cannot be unconditional with your feelings, it is impossible to be this way with others or yourself. There will naturally be resistance, and this must also be welcomed. Resistance will come in thoughts, muscle tension, tightness, and even perhaps tiredness. It will also come in the stories you tell yourself about what is happening to you and why. But, again, accepting the present moment is the key.

How to Let Go: Step 3 – Allowing

The 3rd step in the process is allowing. Sitting quietly and observing allows all feelings to be present within your experience. You are entirely open to what is happening in this moment. You let your emotions magnify or diminish and observe what happens from a detached perspective. Your observer point of view allows you to step outside the story and see things objectively. With this process, you must also drop all expectations. You let go of wanting things to be a certain way or take a specific path. This process of direct experience removes any intervening judgements or conditions. This is the process of feeling whatever is happening in the NOW. You do not need to do anything. You sit. Observe. Feel.

How to Let Go: Step 4 – Release

The final step is not a step. Here letting go happens automatically. You do not need to do anything. Your increased awareness, acceptance, and ability to allow help this process to occur automatically. These previous steps will enable you to go to a place where letting go becomes natural and spontaneous. Often though, it can be advisable before this happens to ask yourself, do you want to let go? We often find that we don’t want to, and if we don’t, that is OK.

At this point, you will experience a lighter sensation within you. You may feel happier, even healthier. People have reported aches and pains disappearing. You may also declare that your mind suddenly becomes still. There is less thinking and less need to do.

“Our work here
is realised by what is triggering us in an uncomfortable way”

Clear The Path
Daniel Dzikowski

How to Letting Go Dzikowski


I’m committed to equipping you with the knowledge and unwavering belief to cultivate resilience, patience, and determination. My goal is to guide you toward emerging from the other side of challenges with a lighter spirit, increased happiness, and a revitalised sense of joy. The tool of letting go, coupled with its consistent practice, unveils a cascade of astounding blessings that will leave you truly astounded by the potential they bring. Letting go holds universal potential accessible to all.

Contact us for your inspirational detox, your one-to-one sessions or any questions you may have.


More energy
More stamina
More strength
Less aches and pains
Less disease


Fewer limitations
Ease in wealth creation
Money magnetism
Stronger beliefs around money


Better working relationships
More energy and creativity
Improved decision making
Return of inspiration and motivation
Increased communication


Better connection between family and friends
Better communication
Less resentment and forgiveness
Unconditional Love


Less punishment and reward
Less need to control
More energy
Less anger

State of Being

Increased intuition
More joy
Greater presence
Less negative thinking
Less anxiety


More clarity
More motivation
More creativity
More inspiration


Increased empathy
Fluent dialogue
Speech problems lessened
Confidence in public speaking


More energy
More stamina
More strength
Quicker healing of injuries
More presence

Clear the Path – Something for Everyone

My goal is to make the knowledge of letting go available to everyone, even those with a limited budget.


ACCOUNTABLE TO YOURSELF – Just by reading the HOW TO: LETTING GO STEPS section on the home page, this will give you all you need to know to get started. If you are strong-willed and dedicated; this may exactly what you need to make dramatic changes in your life. You can also download the Letting Go Card, which will gives you some additional pointers., Visit the quotes and blog pages for some added inspiration.

Low Investment

ACCOUNTABLE TO YOURSELFYou get access to the Learn to Let Go Course for a low investment. A simple audio course outlines what you need to watch out for when you begin your journey. You will also have access to a range of meditation audio’s, specifically about letting go. COMING SOON

Modest Investment 

ACCOUNTABLE TO THE GROUPYou will gain access to the Facebook group for an investment of a few hundred pounds. The group is a community of people who are letting go. I will run regular webinars and group meditations. COMING SOON

Highest Investment

ACCOUNTABLE TO MEHere you will be able to work with me as your coach. The recommended program is is a three-month journey entitled The Art of Letting Go, and with me, as your guide, you can make some genuinely profound changes in your life. Check out some of the testimonials to see what other people have said. 

How to letting go


You are and have always been the master key holder. Each time you ask the question ‘how do I let go?” you are requesting that question to a higher part of yourself. The answer will come if you ask sincerely enough.

My brief, one page, how-to guide on letting go can be downloaded here. Continue browsing our website to find out more information and start your letting go journey.

Join the Hummingbird

You are unique, and your true nature is that of joy. As a visitor to this website, I have a request from you.

Scattered throughout this website is the symbol of the hummingbird. The hummingbird symbolises joy, good luck and lightness of being. It symbolises messages from your intuition. So I invite you to enjoy the sweetness of the present moment whenever you see the hummingbird.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is as follows. Each time you see the hummingbird, take a moment to still your mind and feel your very beingness, your is-ness. Then raise your energy and step up to a higher level, the level where past beliefs have fallen away. Feel love. Go beyond negativity wherever it creeps in and express this love more fully by imagining yourself in that ultimate state. Do this for a minute each time or for as long as you feel called too.

This gift, the gift of the present moment is the most valuable thing you have.

How to Letting Go Coaching



What if you could empower yourself to create the kind of life you have always wanted? What if you could truly let go of all barriers and access a deeper part of yourself where you feel free? My coaching models give you that power back.

How to Letting Go



Are you not yet ready to let go? Do you need some extra inspiration from the master’s in the field? You don’t have to let go if you don’t want to. However, just in case you change your mind. Click here to get taken to our letting go quotes page.

How to Letting Go Course



I offer a range of services that teach you how to let go. Visit this website’s ‘Learn to Let Go’ section to get started with a simple course on letting go. If you want a personal coaching experience, visit the coaching page by clicking here.


Contact us for one to one sessions or any questions you may have. If you have a story about emotional release and would like to inspire others then please use the form below!


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